
Crusher in the Tushar

Posted on Jul 17th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
As a bike racer, I often have a hard time describing the pain of a race that translates to satisfaction at the finish. I think this video does a pretty good job showing this. The Crusher in the Tushar is a 72 mile race in Beaver, UT with 10,000 feet of climbing.2012 Crusher in the Tushar from Fat Cyclist on Vimeo. […] read more...
This land is our land

This land is our land

Posted on Jul 2nd 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
With the traffic, the property line fences, and no trespassing signs I sometimes forget public land is meant for all of us. If you’re up for an adventure there are some real gems out there. My favorites include rivers and lakes by canoe, backcountry trails by foot, and of course any type of road or trail by bike. It’s […] read more...
The Chequamegon 100; lovely, dark and deep.

The Chequamegon 100; lovely, dark and deep.

Posted on Jun 25th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. I’ve been looking forward to this event all year. A free event close to my hometown that boasts over 7k feet of climbing and probably 70% singletrack? Sounds like an adventure.The laid back […] read more...

Weekend Adventures Lie Ahead!

Posted on Jun 21st 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Chris and Heath are taking the ferry over to MI for some fat bike beach touring over the next few days. I’d be really jealous if I wasn’t set to head north to ride the best trails in WI at the Chequamegon 100! Hope you all have something equally exciting planned! […] read more...

DC Bikeshare a big Money Saver

Posted on Jun 20th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
We stumbled upon this story about how Washington DC’s Capital Bikesharing (CaBi) is saving its members a whopping $891 a year – and reducing their driving miles by five million per year. Pretty interesting stuff. Catch the full article here. […] read more...

Fewer wheels, more fun

Posted on Jun 12th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Thanks to for linking me to this Motor Trends article about a new study that finds the younger generation less interested in car ownership. The findings include these gems: 1) Many young people prefer to use their smartphones while commuting than to drive a car.2) The percentage of young people witho […] read more...

Raising awareness for Bicycle Safety

Posted on Jun 6th 2012 | Blog, News,
Many Wisconsinites have heard the news that cyclist Tammy Gass was struck and killed by a motor vehicle a little over a week ago. Our deepest condolences go out to Tammy’s family and friends. The BFW has some coverage of their visit to Wausau last week to assess the situation and determine how to raise awareness for […] read more...

Last Day to donate to USBRS goal!

Posted on May 31st 2012 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
Adventure Cycling Association is closing in on reaching its $50,000 National Bike Month fundraising goal for the U.S. Bicycle Route System (USBRS). Today is the last official day in the campaign and your gift can make all the difference. Help Adventure Cycling accomplish some key things in the coming year to grow this […] read more...

I never leave home without it

Posted on May 30th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
I’m an avid bike commuter and a bike racer. In an average week I log 12-15 hours on the bike. That’s a pretty solid chunk of time spent pedaling around the backroads and mountain bike trails of Wisconsin. I’m also a social media junkie. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. I love to document my time on the bike and […] read more...
Planet Bike’s 6th Annual Bacon on the Bike Path

Planet Bike’s 6th Annual Bacon on the Bike Path

Posted on May 21st 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Events,
Another Wisconsin Bike to Work Week has passed, leaving bike commuters across the state in an endorphin-infused high. The crew at Planet Bike once again pulled out all the stops for our 6th annual Bacon on the Bike Path. The catchy name certainly hints at the carnivorous aspect of the event, there was something there […] read more...
Renewed riding with a new partner

Renewed riding with a new partner

Posted on May 11th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
My riding habits have changed a lot in the past 18 months. My son was born in April of 2011 and due to the logistical issues that come along with an infant, my riding last summer was limited to an occasional weeknight or weekend ride. While I certainly missed riding regularly I was also pretty content with my new lif […] read more...

Gravel Metric

Posted on May 9th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Every year North Central Cyclery in Dekalb puts on a gravel race/ride, the Gravel Metric. They release a preview video prior to the race each year as well. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to the release each spring. I didn’t think they could top last year’s video, but they just went right ahead and […] read more...

The sun rises in Milwaukee

Posted on May 4th 2012 | Advocacy, Blog, Video,
Keith Holt from Milwaukee Bicycle Works stopped by this morning to collect a bunch of refurbished Planet Bike gear for the upcoming 6th Annual Bike Blitz in the Park, a neighborhood bike fair in Milwaukee’s Washington Park where people can get minor repairs done and even a whole new bike. We gave him a bun […] read more...

Steve’s Smashing Raleigh!

Posted on Apr 26th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Excuse my lame attempt at British lingo. Steve was kind enough to share a few photos of his refurbished Raleigh road bike. The Carradice bag and white Cascadia fenders really set this thing off! A fine example of what a little time, love, and attention to detail can produce. Thanks for sharing Steve! OLYMPUS DIGITAL […] read more...

Bike Safe Boston

Posted on Apr 23rd 2012 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
Planet Bike has formed a partnership with Bike Safe Boston for distribution of their Bicyclist’s Accident Report. Check out the Bike Safe Boston press release for more information…We are really excited to help out on this project! […] read more...

Limited Edition Cascadia Fenders

Posted on Apr 19th 2012 | Blog, Product,
Last Fall we asked for preorders for our White Cascadia Fenders. We’ve received the fenders in and shipped them out. There is some remaining stock that we’ve just listed on our webstore, just in case they aren’t available at your local bike shop. […] read more...

“Teenagers kick our butts”, Dar Williams

Posted on Apr 17th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Events,
Planet Bike was very happy to sponsor the 2012 Youth Bike Summit that happened in January in New York City. 275 participants from 20 states and 3 countries met to learn, share and have fun. Below is a video from Streetsblog and some links to photostreams from the YBS. Enjoy. PHOTOS – Album I – by Angela Jimenez PHOTOS […] read more...

It Pays to Pay Attention

Posted on Apr 16th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Product,
We love to give away stuff in contest at Planet Bike HQ. If you’re not following either our Facebook page or Twitter account then you’re missing out. Last week we gave away a couple of white eco racks! […] read more...

Reveal the Path

Posted on Apr 11th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Reveal the Path is a forthcoming film from the makers of Ride the Divide. It features several winners of the Tour Divide race, including last year’s winner (and former Madisonian) Kurt Refsnider. […] read more...
Understanding PTSD tour

Understanding PTSD tour

Posted on Apr 9th 2012 | Blog,
Our friend Thomas Skinner (he’s utilizing the full spectrum of our products) and his service dog Scrubs have been touring across the country for a few months now. His mission is to use his experiences to help other veterans understand and recognize the signs, symptoms and effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTS […] read more...
Spring 2012 Super Commuter – Jeff Morrell

Spring 2012 Super Commuter – Jeff Morrell

Posted on Mar 22nd 2012 | Super Commuters,
Jeff Morrell of Fort Collins, Colorado has made commuting by bike a part of his life for over a quarter of a century! As a year-round commuter, he deals with widely ranging swings in the weather typical of a town nestled at the base of the Rockies. From snowstorms and below zero (Fahrenheit) temperatures to flash rains […] read more...

2012 Advocacy Award Winners Announced

Posted on Mar 22nd 2012 | Advocacy, Blog, News,
The National Bike Summit is always one of the most exciting times of the year for bike advocates. Our own Director of Advocacy, Jay Ferm, is currently on Capitol Hill lobbying. At the Summit, the Alliance for Biking & Walking released their 2012 Advocacy Award Winners. Congratulations to all the recipients. For co […] read more...


Posted on Mar 20th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Performing inventory counts is one of my least favorite things to do. However, it needs to be done and we all share in the doom and gloom that is Inventory Day. I got stuck with the mind-numbing task of counting small parts. The photo below represents our stock of small parts, 179 separate SKUs to be exact. Small pa […] read more...

Lovely Bicycle

Posted on Mar 13th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
One of the favorite blogs around PBHQ is Lovely Bicycle! It focuses mainly on transportational and recreational cycling with a big nod to style. It really is a great source of cycling info and the content keeps you interested. “What began in April 2009 as a bicycle review blog from a beginner’s perspective, has since […] read more...