Chicago Bicycle Ambassadors

Chicago Bicycle Ambassadors

Posted on Sep 27th 2018 | Better World, Bike Life,
Since 2001 the Chicago DOT has helped fund the Bicycle Ambassadors program which includes a squad of cyclists who educate the public on traffic safety and encourage biking, walking, and transit. We have supported the outreach efforts of the Ambassadors for many years, and for 2018 we partnered with them by providing […] read more...
30 Days of Biking in April

30 Days of Biking in April

Posted on Mar 29th 2018 | Bike Life,
The month of April is almost here and with it comes the 30 Days of Biking Challenge and Pledge. Now in its 8th year, the challenge is a way to encourage people to try to get out and ride their bike every day in April. Even the shortest of rides counts – a quick spin around the block, a ride to the nearest coffee sho […] read more...
Support Your Shop

Support Your Shop

Posted on Nov 2nd 2017 | Bike Life,
We rolled out a new website several weeks ago which has made it even easier to find our products at bike shops in your area. All the product pages offer a “Buy Local” button which will prompt you to enter your zip code or city/state. […] read more...
Youth Bike Summit Recap

Youth Bike Summit Recap

Posted on Oct 19th 2017 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
A few weeks ago we posted a blog about the 7th annual Youth Bike Summit (YBS) that took place on October 6th – 8th in Arlington, VA. Planet Bike has been a long-time supporter of the YBS and we are always excited to see the results and growth of the summit each year. Keynote presentation sessionMore t […] read more...
Transportation – The Future is Now

Transportation – The Future is Now

Posted on Oct 11th 2017 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
I had the pleasure to attend and present at 1000 Friends of Wisconsin’s recent Transportation: The Future Is Now conference in Madison, WI. In a nutshell, I spoke to how Autonomous Vehicles will slowly create a bump and then a tidal wave of biking and walking in our communities. Once a person replaces their old car wit […] read more...
Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

Posted on Oct 3rd 2017 | Bike Life, Events,
My family recently took a trip up to Marquette, Michigan with some other biking families to explore and ride some of the amazing mountain bike trails the area is well known for. We brought the kids to the trail head one day to rip around on the pump track and ride some of the shorter loops through the woods. […] read more...
40,000 Miles and Counting

40,000 Miles and Counting

Posted on Aug 18th 2017 | Bike Life,
We recently heard from a loyal customer in Texas who swears by our Protégé computers and we just had to share his story.Gary Files was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in February 2008 and vowed to take control of his health through diet and exercise. In May of that year he made a commitment to ride and began logg […] read more...
Life in the Bike Lane

Life in the Bike Lane

Posted on Aug 11th 2017 | Better World, Bike Life,
New York City, known as the melting pot of the world, has seen the number of bicycle commuters increase rapidly over the past five years. Although still a fraction of the total transportation population, bicycling has outpaced both population and employment growth within the city. New York now has more bicycle c […] read more...
Learning to Ride

Learning to Ride

Posted on May 17th 2017 | Bike Life,
Learning to ride a bike is a big deal. The experience has a sort of monumental and mythical quality to it. It’s one of those classic experiences you’re supposed to remember forever, symbolizing a sense of independence and accomplishment. We can probably all envision the scene – a parent running behind a child an […] read more...
National Park Week

National Park Week

Posted on Apr 17th 2017 | Bike Life,
At Planet Bike, we obviously love riding our bikes. We use the bicycle for multiple reasons – transportation, recreation, racing, urban exploring, and family outings just to name a few. Aside from our daily use of the bicycle, we are always on the lookout for unique experiences to enjoy on our favorite two-wheel […] read more...
400 bikes, 70 locks, thousands of smiles

400 bikes, 70 locks, thousands of smiles

Posted on Apr 7th 2017 | Advocacy, Bike Life,
March 29, 2017 was the culmination of six month’s hard work by Andy Quandt to bring Free Bikes 4 Kidz to Madison, WI. We gave away 400 bikes and helmets, 70 Planet Bike locks, and thousands of smiles. Turning run down bikes into gold feels good. Nigel Hayes of the Wisconsin Badgers men’s basketball team was on h […] read more...

Neuroscience, Bikes, and Kids

Posted on Mar 24th 2017 | Bike Life,
At the 2017 National Bike Summit in Washington, DC earlier this month I learned about many new and innovative bike programs happening around the United States. One of the programs that caught my attention dealt with the intersection of neuroscience, bikes, and kids. Mike Sin […] read more...
2017 Wisconsin Ride Guide

2017 Wisconsin Ride Guide

Posted on Mar 16th 2017 | Bike Life, Events,
Bicycling plays a prominent role in our home state of Wisconsin. From the many rail trails and other paths that are prevalent through much of the state, to the numerous bicycle related industries that call Wisconsin home; we take bicycling seriously here in Wisconsin. We also have a terrific advocacy organization in […] read more...
It’s the Little Things

It’s the Little Things

Posted on Mar 6th 2017 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
We all know the genius of the Dutch transportation engineers that have created a people-focused transportation system beloved by bicyclists, pedestrians and car drivers. It’s not just separated bike lanes and low car speeds that make cycling safe and fun in the Netherlands, it’s the little things too. Today, I fou […] read more...
Double Wrapped Handlebars

Double Wrapped Handlebars

Posted on Jun 10th 2016 | Bike Life, Blog, Learn, Product,
My name is Heath and I’m a double taper. It all started when I saw an old timer (yep, I’m talking about you Larry) cover his bars with foam tubes (think 10 speeds of the 1980’s) and a layer of leather tape overtop. A secret layer of comfort, genius! Over the years I have refined my s […] read more...
Radical parking

Radical parking

Posted on Mar 10th 2016 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
When I visualize a big city, one of the things I see is cars: cars on the road, cars in parking lots, cars on the sidewalk and cars underneath all new condo buildings. I was in Washington, DC this week for the National Bike Summit. I was lucky enough to borrow a bike from my friend Jeff so was able to explore the ci […] read more...
Riding Towards Winter

Riding Towards Winter

Posted on Dec 8th 2015 | Bike Life, Blog,
Autumn can be an exhilarating time for traveling by bike. It can also be a little unpredictable. Daylight hours are quickly waning, the temperature is fickle and rain can string together for days. Dressing for the season is challenging but keeping your bike running smoothly can be just as difficult. We’ve pulled toge […] read more...
Bike Path Courtesy

Bike Path Courtesy

Posted on Aug 10th 2015 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog, Learn,
It’s summertime and the living is easy. You’ve likely noticed that your neighborhood paths are teaming with activity. The path that rolls past my front door is a human highway of cyclist, rollerbladers, joggers, dog walkers, birders and skateboarders. The nicer the day, the more the path bustles. To celebrate bicyclin […] read more...
This is awesome!

This is awesome!

Posted on Aug 5th 2015 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Many avid cyclists take the very act of riding a bike for granted. We’re really glad to see more and more adult bike riding classes popping up around the country! […] read more...
Do It Yourself!

Do It Yourself!

Posted on Jul 17th 2015 | Bike Life, Blog, Learn,
A flat tire can put a big damper on a bike ride, especially if you aren’t armed with the knowledge and tools to rectify the situation. Practice makes perfect as the old adage says. Check with your local bike shop to see if they offer any free repair classes.
Super Commuters

Super Commuters

Posted on Jun 26th 2015 | Bike Life, Super Commuters,
The mailman always say, “I wasn’t sure if you guys were open today. There weren’t any cars in the parking lot.” I’m surprised he’s not used to it after all these years.
Bacon on the Bike Path

Bacon on the Bike Path

Posted on Jun 16th 2015 | Bike Life, Events,
We set out for our 9th Annual Bacon on the Bike Path last Friday with high prospects for rain. We did end up with a wet start to the event but by the end we were dry and full of delicious Nueske’s bacon and Just Coffee blends! Despite the weather we had an exceptional turnout and served up nearly 30 pounds of bacon! T […] read more...
Yolks & Spokes

Yolks & Spokes

Posted on May 19th 2015 | Bike Life, Video,
Yolks and Spokes documents breakfast culture along the Mississippi River through multimedia storytelling with an ovular lens: the egg. Dana and Sara are riding their bicycles approximately 2,000 miles, beginning at Lake Itasca in the Minnesota North Woods, through the mid-continental United States and the cultural cen […] read more...