Renewed riding with a new partner

Renewed riding with a new partner

Posted on May 11th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
My riding habits have changed a lot in the past 18 months. My son was born in April of 2011 and due to the logistical issues that come along with an infant, my riding last summer was limited to an occasional weeknight or weekend ride. While I certainly missed riding regularly I was also pretty content with my new lif […] read more...

Gravel Metric

Posted on May 9th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Every year North Central Cyclery in Dekalb puts on a gravel race/ride, the Gravel Metric. They release a preview video prior to the race each year as well. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to the release each spring. I didn’t think they could top last year’s video, but they just went right ahead and […] read more...

Steve’s Smashing Raleigh!

Posted on Apr 26th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Excuse my lame attempt at British lingo. Steve was kind enough to share a few photos of his refurbished Raleigh road bike. The Carradice bag and white Cascadia fenders really set this thing off! A fine example of what a little time, love, and attention to detail can produce. Thanks for sharing Steve! OLYMPUS DIGITAL […] read more...

Bike Safe Boston

Posted on Apr 23rd 2012 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
Planet Bike has formed a partnership with Bike Safe Boston for distribution of their Bicyclist’s Accident Report. Check out the Bike Safe Boston press release for more information…We are really excited to help out on this project! […] read more...

“Teenagers kick our butts”, Dar Williams

Posted on Apr 17th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Events,
Planet Bike was very happy to sponsor the 2012 Youth Bike Summit that happened in January in New York City. 275 participants from 20 states and 3 countries met to learn, share and have fun. Below is a video from Streetsblog and some links to photostreams from the YBS. Enjoy. PHOTOS – Album I – by Angela Jimenez PHOTOS […] read more...

It Pays to Pay Attention

Posted on Apr 16th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Product,
We love to give away stuff in contest at Planet Bike HQ. If you’re not following either our Facebook page or Twitter account then you’re missing out. Last week we gave away a couple of white eco racks! […] read more...

Reveal the Path

Posted on Apr 11th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Reveal the Path is a forthcoming film from the makers of Ride the Divide. It features several winners of the Tour Divide race, including last year’s winner (and former Madisonian) Kurt Refsnider. […] read more...


Posted on Mar 20th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Performing inventory counts is one of my least favorite things to do. However, it needs to be done and we all share in the doom and gloom that is Inventory Day. I got stuck with the mind-numbing task of counting small parts. The photo below represents our stock of small parts, 179 separate SKUs to be exact. Small pa […] read more...

Lovely Bicycle

Posted on Mar 13th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
One of the favorite blogs around PBHQ is Lovely Bicycle! It focuses mainly on transportational and recreational cycling with a big nod to style. It really is a great source of cycling info and the content keeps you interested. “What began in April 2009 as a bicycle review blog from a beginner’s perspective, has since […] read more...


Posted on Mar 9th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Looks like Chris is going camping after work tonight. Check out that setup!

To The Thawing Wind

Posted on Mar 6th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
To The Thawing WindBy Robert Frost Come with rain. O loud Southwester!Bring the singer, bring the nester;Give the buried flower a dream;make the settled snowbank steam;Find the brown beneath the white;But whate’er you do tonight,bath my window, make it flow,Melt it as the ice will go;Melt the glass and leave the stick […] read more...
A Tandem, red leaves and more…

A Tandem, red leaves and more…

Posted on Mar 1st 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Each year the Alliance for Biking & Walking puts on a photo contest to bring in photos for their online photo library. The library is available to member organizations to use free of charge in their publications. The Alliance just announced the winners for 2011. Below are a few of my favorites. The two girls on a […] read more...
Classics Season

Classics Season

Posted on Feb 28th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
For those of us that are fans of bicycle racing, the Classics Season is one of the most exciting times of the year. The weather is cold, windy, and often rainy. Sections of cobbled streets, hundreds of years old litter the race courses. You have to be strong and you have to be smart if you are to take the win in one o […] read more...

Tradeshows on the Mind

Posted on Feb 3rd 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Product,
A lot of “bike people” know about the largest North American bike tradeshow of the year, Interbike, but there are a lot more than just that. As we head into February, I’m preparing to head to shows hosted at 2 of our trusted distributors. Here’s a sneak peak of the booth I’ve been building. What do you think? […] read more...

Instructional Video of the Year

Posted on Jan 31st 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Learn, Video,
Problem Solvers is a dandy of a company over in MN that does what? Solves problems. They make all sorts of clever do-dads to work around common bicycle component and compatibility issues. Our pal and the man with the plan, DK, clued us in on their latest instructional video. Take a look and you’ll see why I’m no […] read more...

Catching up with the Kiwi Chronicles

Posted on Jan 19th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Russ and Laura are on quite an adventure in New Zealand. Catch up on the last two episodes! Kiwi Chronicles Ep2: Cycling the Super City from Russ Roca on Vimeo. Kiwi Chronicles: Episode 3 - On the Road Again - from Russ Roca on Vimeo. […] read more...
Two deep breaths and one step forward

Two deep breaths and one step forward

Posted on Jan 17th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
As I quietly rolled down the dark bike path I can hear dogs barking at us and the cold crunch of the snow under our 4 inch wide tires. It starts to sink in that I’m wrapping up one of the most difficult rides I have ever done. It was hard not to smile. A few years ago Chris (PB Warehouse guru) and I got some fat bik […] read more...
Cyclocross Nationals comes to Madison

Cyclocross Nationals comes to Madison

Posted on Jan 12th 2012 | Bike Life, Blog,
Our fair city of Madison hosted US Cyclocross Nationals over 5 days last week. In the fall of 2010 it was announced that Madison was going to host this prestigious event and I decided right then and there that I had to enter this race. I used to take my cross racing pretty seriously but since having my son last Apr […] read more...

Wisconsin Trails in Jeopardy

Posted on Jan 4th 2012 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
The trails at Upper Hixon Forest in La Crosse, WI, could be closed by a potential sale of city-owned property. Human Powered Trails, a member-based club in the La Crosse area, has put tremendous effort into creating a wonderful shared-use trail system on the bluffs above the river city. The club is fighting hard to sa […] read more...
That’s a Wrap.

That’s a Wrap.

Posted on Dec 28th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
As 2011 draws to a close, I’ve taken some time to reflect on the past year. I have countless things to be thankful for and a few experiences I’m glad are in the past. I’ve had some wonderful (and new) adventures with family and friends. I had one trip to the ER that resulted in a broken toe, stitches in my face, and s […] read more...
Fun and Cheap

Fun and Cheap

Posted on Dec 21st 2011 | Better World, Bike Life, Blog,
A recent study published in Journal of Urban Health compares the total costs for ciclovia events to the reduced healthcare costs for participants, with some surprising results. I have enjoyed Madison’s Ride The Drive but I had no idea it could more than pay for itself. In the case of San Francisco’s Sunday Streets, th […] read more...

Information Super Highway

Posted on Dec 21st 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
I recently became aware of a great resource for cyclists, old and new alike. The Bicycles-Stack Exchange is a simple forum for posting questions or sharing your knowledge. It’s “a collaboratively edited question and answer site for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles. […] read more...

The Hardest Part…

Posted on Dec 16th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
My morning commute offers a wonderful block of time for reflection. During my solo hour long spin to Planet Bike HQ my mind jumps wildly from this to that like a bouncing ball. This morning it wandered to the commitment one needs for year round bike commuting in WI. I’ve been seeing a few less commuters on the paths […] read more...
Up Nort’

Up Nort’

Posted on Nov 28th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
Up here in Wisconsin, we do things a little different than many other places in the country. When the months are split pretty evenly between snow and no snow, it’s the little things that keep us sane. Take a look how Bike Fed of WI communications director Dave Schlabowske spent his Thanksgiving weekend. […] read more...