
Vote For Follmer

Posted on Oct 3rd 2008 | Bike Life, Blog,

Not for president or anything substantial, the Austin Bike Blog has been running a contest called “what’s the biggest thing you’ve carried on a bike?” It sounds like they had quite a few pictures submitted, and they narrowed them down to the final 10. Well I got in, so the more votes I can get, the better! For what it’s worth, my picture is from when Molly and I moved from our last apartment to our current apartment. It wasn’t very far, but my buddy Billy and I did move about 95 percent of our stuff on my Xtracycle and his Big Dummy, both with trailers. It was a great feeling to be able to do so much with such basic tools like a bike and trailer. Here is the link to the website, my picture is #6 . Thanks for your votes.

I’m Chris Follmer and I approve this message!